Thursday, December 29, 2011

Twist into the New Year

Happy Holidays everyone and Happy New Year! I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful Holiday Season. Throughout this Holiday Season I have enjoyed family, friends, parties, the decorations, the yummy foods, and the tasty and delectable beverages. I have kept pretty active during the season, hiking, yoga, gym, but I must admit I do feel a bit sluggish. The best solution for this feeling is TWISTING. A simple supine twist or a deep prayer twist really helps loosen and rid your body of the toxins gathered through the season. It also helps strengthen and lengthen your spine and challenges your balance.

The yoga poses to help you feel a bit more rejuvenated are:
Revolving Crescent Lunge (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)
Prayer Twist (Parivrtta Utkatasana)
Supine Twist (Jathata Parivartanasana)

The benefits of Revolving Crescent Lunge are:
*Rinses, revitalizing, and detoxifies internal organs
*Creates opening in the heart and chest

Getting into the position:
*From down dog, inhale right leg high
*Exhale step your leg through between your hands
*Inhale Crescent lunge (Arms reach high, shoulders down back, slight bend in back knee to neutralize pelvis)
*Bring hands to a prayer position at heart center
*Exhale twist to the right
*Left elbow on the outside of the the right knee
*Stack elbows in a vertical line, palms pressing together
*Draw your shoulders down back
*Inhale lengthen your spine, exhale twist
*Gaze towards the sky
*To modify, drop your back knee.
*After 3 breaths drop your hands and step back to plank. Lower down to Chaturanga Dandasana, Updog, and Downdog.
*Repeat on the left side

The benefits of Prayer Twist are:
*Rinses internal digestive organs
*Strengthen buttocks
*Lengthens spine

Getting into the position:
*From Downdog, step or jump to the top of the mat. Big toes touching
*Inhale to chair pose (Sit deep into your chair or squat, weight is in your heels, lift your toes to make sure the weight is in your heels, arms reach high, heart lifts)
*Hands to heart center
*Exhale twist to the right
*Left elbow on the outside of your right knee
*Twist from the center of your body, hands at heart center, palms press together to deepen the twist
*Gaze to the sky
*Make sure your left knee is not creeping forward
*Hips square to the front
*After 3 breaths, exhale release to forward fold
*Step back to plank
*Push back to Downdog
*Repeat on the left side


Retrieved from

The benefits of Supine Twist are:
*Releases tension in your body
*Rinses body of impurities

Getting into the position:
*Lie on your back
*Draw your right knee to the outside body, towards your armpit
*Release your right arm long
*Draw your knee across your body with your left arm
*Gaze is over your right shoulder
*Shoulders on mat
*Release your leg and switch sides

Adapted from Corepower Yoga: Power Yoga Teacher Training Manual (2011)

I hope you enjoy these wonderful and rejuvenating poses.

Have a HAPPY and SAFE New Years!!!


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